Essays for your reference!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

1. Why was Singapore considered as an impregnable fortress? 4m

Singapore was considered as an impregnable fortress because of the thick mangrove and forested area in the north. This was considered useful as a form of natural defense as the enemies would find it hard to penetrate into Singapore from the north.

Singapore was also considered as an impregnable fortress as it had guns pointed out to the seas in the east and south. One of it could be found in Siloso and the other one in Changi, known as the Johore Battery. This would ensure prevent any attacks from the sea as enemies ships would not find it hard to come close to Singapore.

2. The main reason why the Japanese Occupation was considered as a nightmare was due to its economic hardships. HFDYA? EYA. 7m

The Japanese Occupation was considered as a nightmare for the people of Singapore as it was a period full of social and economic hardships.

Firstly, I do agree that the Japanese Occupation was nightmarish due to its economic hardship. In those days, there was high inflation and the banana notes that the Japanese printed was worthless. Prices were very high for daily necessities and people could not afford to buy many things. Goods were also scarce and people could only get what they wanted except from the black market. Due to all these problems, many suffered from malnutrition and illnesses as the economy was absolute shattered by the Japanese.

However, economic hardship is not the main reason why life during the Japanese Occupation was nightmarish. It was terrible as well as socially there was little freedom for the people and punishments for minor offences were high. People lived in fear throughout the occupation too as the Japanese would kill anyone suspected of anti-Japanese sentiments indiscriminately to ensure their rule would not be challenged. Hence, living under the Japanese was unbearable as people were fearful of being killed or punished unfairly by the Japanese.

In conclusion, I do agree that the Japanese Occupation was nightmarish due to its economic hardship but it is not the main reason. The main reason why it was nightmarish was because even though people suffered from inflation and lack of food, some of these problems were solved by rationing and people were also known to grow their own crops to survive. But it was nightmarish mainly because people mostly would not know when the Japanese would take them away as the Japanese were unpredictable most of the time.

Posted by Leo at 8:47 AM  


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