Answers for SA2

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hi all,

This is for those who are interested.

To see the answers, go to:

Thank you.

Last Battle

Monday, October 8, 2007

Hi all,

Just a few things to share before you take on the paper tomorrow.


1. Inference
a. Always use your own words for inference;
b. You can quote directly from the source for evidence;
c. Give 2 inferences (3 if you want to be safe)
d. 2-3 paragraphs
Source A tells me that the atomic bomb had had destructive impact on Hiroshima. This can be supported by the burning buildings, collapsed lamp posts and debris all over the place.

In addition, Source A tells me that the atomic bomb had killed and injured many. This can be supported by buried bodies under the rubbles and an injured mother carrying her child who is burnt by the effects of the bomb.

2. Why?
a. Same as inference;
b. Third p// must be on purpose. Do it this way: e.g. The source is addressed to the villagers. The communist’s purpose was to convince the villagers that British were bad rulers so that they would not support the British and joined them instead.
c. 3-4 paragraphs
The British created this poster because they wanted to portray the communists as dangerous and unpredictable. This can be supported by the poster that shows the dog representing the communists biting its owner.

The British also created this poster to show that the communists could be greedy and lack humanity. As the dog the communists know no kindness and do not know when to stop taking from people.

Lastly, the British created this poster to address to the mass public that the communists were unreliable and should be avoided at all costs. The British purpose is to warn them about the communists so that they would not support or provide for the communists.

3. Comparison
a. Always have a point of comparison;
b. Always have one difference and one similarity (both supported);
c. Last p//, be on difference or similarity on purpose/tone.
d. 3 paragraphs.

Sources B and C are different as they disagree on the treatment of new villagers. Source B states that new villagers were well treated as they were introduced to a new range of social services such as ‘after care’ which people could have access to better healthcare. Source D says that people were badly treated as they were forced to move as the British would burn down their houses.

However, both sources are similar as they agree that the British were responsible for the evacuation of villagers to new ones for fight against communism. Source B says that the British had ‘planned for this to be a huge advantage for them in their fight against the communists.’ Source C says that the British army use the tactic of burning villages to ground and forcing people to move so that the communists could do nothing about it.

Lastly, both sources are different in purpose. The purpose of Source B is to educate and inform the people about the government’s action of relocating them to new villages. This is encourage more people to move so that the communists would not have access to these people. In contrast, the purpose of Source C is to dissuade the people from relocating and accuse the British of terrorizing the people. By doing so, Chin Peng hoped to blame the British for the plight of the people so that he could put the communists in good light even after so many years.

4. Reliability
a. Start by stating whether it is reliable or not based on source content;
b. Always have 2 cross-references supported with evidence;
c. Last p//, reliable or unreliable based on who says it? Why? Purpose? Audience? Intended impact?
d. 4 paragraphs
Source C is not reliable in what it says about the British. Source C states that the British had used brutal means to move people into new villages. According to Source C, it says that British would burn peoples’ houses and insisted that they moved.

However, when I cross-referenced with Source B, states that the British did not use brutal means at all. They provided them with special services and improvements such as irrigation and drainage programmes for the people. Hence, Source B disagrees with Source C.

Lastly, Source C is spoken by Chin Peng, the ex-leader of the MCP and his purpose was to convince people that the British were responsible for the hardships of the people and the communists were innocent. This was said so that the people would not blame the MCP for the troubles in the past.

Note: The example provided only has one cross-reference, for the exam, pls have two cross-references.


1. Remember for 4 marks, 2 pts 2 explanations or examples.
2. For 7 marks, show both sides. Elaborate more on both sides.

e.g. Why was Singapore chosen by Raffles? (4m)
1. Firstly, Singapore was chosen by Raffles for his new settlement site because of its superior geographic location. Singapore lies on the main trade route between China and India and hence it would be a good meeting points for traders all around.

Secondly, Singapore was free of Dutch control. This meant that the British would not have to challenge the Dutch directly and the British would only have to convince the local leaders to let the British set up a new settlement.

Note: The above is for 4 marks question. Do not write too much explanation or examples. Do not write extra points too. You may be wasting time in that

2. The fall of Singapore in 1942 was a complete success for the Japanese. HFDYA? EYA.

I disagree that the fall of Singapore was a complete success for the Japanese .

The Japanese achieved a brilliant victory in all aspects. Not only had they managed to defeat the British, but they had also destroyed the two famous battleships of the British thereby asserting their superiority. Besides that most of the Europeans were so terrified that they ran away for their lives. The British who all along had been invincible in battle had been dealt a devastating blow by the Japanese in such a quick time and with minimum casualty on the Japanese sides. Thus it is indeed a qualified success on the part of the Japanese.

However, it should also be born in mind that the Japanese were successful only from a military perspective. While the victory over Singapore was won, yet it was another matter in capturing the hearts and minds of the people. The Japanese were feared and hated by the local people so much and they were secretly despised. Furthermore the Japanese also mismanaged the economy and there was a shortage of essential commodities like food, clothing, medicine and other stuff. Furthermore there was uncontrolled inflation and the people’s lives were more miserable than during the British. Thus it would be incorrect to say that the fall of Singapore was a complete success for the Japanese.

In conclusion, it would be incorrect to assume that the fall of Singapore was a total success for the Japanese. While it was indeed true that from a military perspective it was a success yet it was severe failure from all other aspects. In terms of the economy, in terms of freedom, and in terms of happiness the Japanese occupation was far from success. The fact that even today the Japanese occupation is remembered as the days of darkness stands as testimony to the fact that the Japanese Occupation of Singapore was not a success.

Note: For 7 marks, to play safe write more to substantiate your point. If unsure and time permits, write an extra point with elaboration.